Wednesday, April 6, 2011

25 Things- Revisit my favorite movies

Alfred Hitchcock is by far my favorite director. I started watching his films when I was 8 years old. I started my obsession with the milder films from his collection. I loved "The Man Who Knew Too Much" and "To Catch a Thief." (Cue Dorris Day and Grace Kelly fascination here.) As I got older I watched "North by Northwest," "Dial 'M' For Murder," "The Birds," "Rear Window," "Psycho," "Strangers on a Train," and my ultimate favorite, "Vertigo." I remember getting into trouble with my mom when I would try to get my friends to watch the movie with me at sleepovers. She did not appreciate defending my interests to a bunch of worried parents and little girls who could not fall asleep.
I re watched the classic tonight. The film is still my favorite movie of all time. Alfred makes an appearance early on in the film. He is casually walking on the street. I love how he appears in every movie, even if you only see his famous silhouette. The film does not cease to grab my attention. I recommend everyone watch "Vertigo" if they get a chance. I will warn you that the ending is not what you would expect. Some people might be disappointed with it, but I think it fits.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Personality Tests

I am a person who is OBSESSED with personality tests. Each time I read the results, I feel like I know a little more about how I tick. I believe having a strong sense of self. I want to know the reasons why I act certain ways, or who I can relate to. Tests won't tell you everything (obviously), but they are intriguing. This might sound silly, because most people believe they know who they are. If you view yourself as a bit of an enigma take these tests. In case you were wondering I am a number 4 (according to the enneagram test) and an infp (according to the myers briggs test.) In a nutshell, they told me I look at the world through rose colored glasses, like learning about new things, comfortable with emotional expression, an identity seeker (surprise, surprise), yet are very self- revealing and are strong intra-personally. Curious? Get ready to be addicted to personality tests!
The one everyone knows- THE MYERS BRIGGS TEST
The one no one really ever talks about- THE ENNEAGRAM TEST

Quote of the week:

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”



Friday, March 25, 2011

Etsy Finds

I love supporting artists on Etsy. For one reason, you are supporting individuals who hand make all of their designs. Also, a lot of the designs are one of a kind, and no one will have the same thing! Here are some of my favorite designers and their designs:




Thursday, March 24, 2011

25 Things

A lot of bloggers have posts about 100 things they want to accomplish before they die. I have decided to have 25 things to accomplish before this time next year. I have so many things that I want to accomplish, and I never give myself the time to do them. Here's the the first of the 25:

Read at least 5 Penguin Classics

The top of my list:

Friday, February 11, 2011


I have several friends who are either gluten intolerant or have a wheat sensitivity. Martha Stewart makes a tasty Flourless- Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookie that is a friend to those who can't eat wheat. One of my college friends showed me this recipe. Now I cannot stop making them. They are delicious!

A few pointers:

Add Cinnamon
Replace peanuts for pecans (You don't want too much peanut butter flavoring going on)


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Boredom Solved!

Even in Texas the winter air can keep you cooped up inside. Usually I spend my time doing my homework, reading, spending time with friends, watching movies, and in desperate times, surfing the web. Here are some sites that either stimulate creativity, enjoyment, or help me procrastinate from doing homework.

Cocodot allows you to make your own e-vites online to send to friends over email. I love the variety of backgrounds you can choose from. Cocodot even has envelope choices so you can have the same feel as sending snail mail. My favorite part? Lilly Pulitzer backgrounds!

If you are not familiar with Tumblr yet, you will be! It is a great website that is kind of like Twitter, but you can post pictures directly. A lot of fashion designers post their daily inspirations. Kate Spade has finally gotten up to speed, and now I am addicted.

Is Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and your email getting in the way of getting things done? Use this application to block these sites for a set amount of time. The program SelfControl will help you with your distraction problems.

If you love fashion, you will fall head over heels for the website, Polyvore. It allows you to design your own sets and outfits with clothes that are currently in the stores from a variety of websites. You can also search other people's creations. My favorite part about this site, is the search option. If there is a celebrity's style I am currently coveting, I can search their name or a movie they have been in under "sets". Hundreds of sets featuring the celebrity's style will pop up. Amazing!

When I searched "Mary Tyler Moore" and "The Talented Mr. Ripley"

Camille Belle does Mary Tyler Moore

The Talented Mr Ripley

I, like many others, have a HUGE sweet tooth. Bakerella shows me new recipes to encourage that tooth (even though it does not need to be encouraged!). There are loads of different kinds of desserts, each of them sweetly decorated. Take a peek at this site if you do not need to fit into a bikini in the next few months. You have been warned.

Happy surfing!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fa-La-Las of February

Today is the second day in a row that school has been canceled because of snow and ice. I love school being canceled, but being cooped up in your house can be difficult. I'm almost at the end of my Netflix instant queue, and I'm beginning to get the winter blues. The only cure I can find is a nice cup of peppermint tea and a "Cure the Blues" playlist.

1. Colorful - Rocco DeLuca and the Burden
2. Ok, It's Alight With Me- Eric Hutchinson
3. Hello, Goodbye- The Beatles
4. Lovely Day- Donavon Frenreiter
5. Rollerblades- Eliza Doolittle
6. Bang Bang- Dispatch
7. Same Changes- The Weepies
8. Melt With You- Modern English
9. Brand New Day- Joshua Radin
10. Mr. Pitiful- Matt Costa
11. Funny the Way it is- Dave Matthews
12. Friday I'm In Love- The Cure
13. Count on Me- Lucy Schwartz
14. New Shoes- Paulo Nutini
15. Grace Kelly- Mika
16. Spit On A Stranger- Nickel Creek
17. Good Day- Luce
18. Running Man- Hanson