Wednesday, April 6, 2011

25 Things- Revisit my favorite movies

Alfred Hitchcock is by far my favorite director. I started watching his films when I was 8 years old. I started my obsession with the milder films from his collection. I loved "The Man Who Knew Too Much" and "To Catch a Thief." (Cue Dorris Day and Grace Kelly fascination here.) As I got older I watched "North by Northwest," "Dial 'M' For Murder," "The Birds," "Rear Window," "Psycho," "Strangers on a Train," and my ultimate favorite, "Vertigo." I remember getting into trouble with my mom when I would try to get my friends to watch the movie with me at sleepovers. She did not appreciate defending my interests to a bunch of worried parents and little girls who could not fall asleep.
I re watched the classic tonight. The film is still my favorite movie of all time. Alfred makes an appearance early on in the film. He is casually walking on the street. I love how he appears in every movie, even if you only see his famous silhouette. The film does not cease to grab my attention. I recommend everyone watch "Vertigo" if they get a chance. I will warn you that the ending is not what you would expect. Some people might be disappointed with it, but I think it fits.


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