Sunday, April 3, 2011

Personality Tests

I am a person who is OBSESSED with personality tests. Each time I read the results, I feel like I know a little more about how I tick. I believe having a strong sense of self. I want to know the reasons why I act certain ways, or who I can relate to. Tests won't tell you everything (obviously), but they are intriguing. This might sound silly, because most people believe they know who they are. If you view yourself as a bit of an enigma take these tests. In case you were wondering I am a number 4 (according to the enneagram test) and an infp (according to the myers briggs test.) In a nutshell, they told me I look at the world through rose colored glasses, like learning about new things, comfortable with emotional expression, an identity seeker (surprise, surprise), yet are very self- revealing and are strong intra-personally. Curious? Get ready to be addicted to personality tests!
The one everyone knows- THE MYERS BRIGGS TEST
The one no one really ever talks about- THE ENNEAGRAM TEST

Quote of the week:

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”



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